Command Ops: Stalingrad Map Play

I have been working on/researching a 25km x 20km map of Stalingrad.  I'm not done with it quite yet but tonight I put some German Panzergrenadiers into a fight against British paratroopers (their red counters make good Soviet pretend units) for the critical Mamaev Hill which overlooks the city and the Volga ferry crossings.

I know Panther is working on the Eastern Front and I am sure their maps/estab will be awesome.  I couldn't wait though, so I fiddled with my own map and now I am working on an estab file.  Fingers crossed the latter gets off the ground.

Anyway, here are my first screenshots of Stalingrad and the fight to reach the Volga!
Aerial shot of Stalingrad map.  It is still unfinished but far along enough to take for a spin!

A battalion of German PGs battling it out with 2 pseudo Russian Guards battalions for Mamaev Hill.

More to follow...


Ramses said…
I 'recognized' it was Stalingrad right away. But what about those bridges? Are they for reinformcement purposes, because if not they shouldn't be there.
Chris said…
Hi Ramses. It is probably hard to see with a screenshot but the Volga crossings are all ferries.
Ramses said…
Hi Chris,

Understood; hard to see from the screenies. You have shown some nice mapping and tinkering with Command Ops on your blog. I think it is a good initiative that you put up a Facebook fan page together with Rangerx3x, because this game definitely deserves more attention than it is getting right now.

Chris said…
Hi Ramses. Thanks appreciate the comment! I love the editor. The freedom to create scenarios like this for fun and to do so relatively easily makes this my favorite game these games. As for the FB page, hopefully it will help spread the word about the game, re-engage people and give Matrix a reason to dedicate more resources to Panther games' development process so things speed up.
RangerX3X said…
Hey Chris – That map looks fantastic. I can wait to see what kinds of scenarios you put together for it.
Doug Miller said…
Wow Chris, this is great! Anything combining Command Ops and Eastern Front has my vote and interest. The map looks wonderful - instantly recognizable as Stalingrad.
Chris said…
Thanks Tim! Started Trial by Fire tonight. Not much room for maneuver. Going to be a slug fest!

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