Maxwell’s Marauders, 1st Platoon, C Company of the 7th Marine Regiment is a fictional unit, filled with characters that I have created to deepen my connection to my Squad Battles “ Proud and the Few ” gaming. The New York boys, Bullseye, Sgt. Rock and the rest are going to be persistent characters (unless they die on my digital battlefields) that take me through the War in the Pacific. From Guadalcanal to New Britain to Peleliu and finally Okinawa, the 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment served with distinction and so too will Maxwell’s Marauders. Along the way, my hope is that by investing in the backstories of the soldiers on the map, I will play smarter and take fewer risks with them, enjoy my gaming and appreciate this great Squad Battles system in a deeper way. About these scenarios The scenarios are short (under 20 turns (100 minutes or less of combat). They are historical, even though the unit is fictional. Each battlefield map is an approximation of the terrain Frisbie’s...
That is a great question…the only thing I can find in BftB is an estab reference under Great Britain/British Guards named “MG - GDS - Bridge Trp RE”. It has the correct bridging icon.
Because it is in the core estab, you can use it in the scenario editor to create your own unit (no need for an estab or separate force list) and name it whatever you want.
Hope that helps – Tim
With the exception of this bridge unit the American force is assembled.
I am having to build an SS Panzergrenadier division using the estab. I went through the scenarios to see if I could find one to copy and couldn't.
I tried last night to play the scenario using the full American force vs. a battalion of Panzergrenadiers and almost a battalion of SS Panzergrenadiers with two SS Pioneer units and a artillery battalion.
For the bridging unit on the American side I added the British bailey unit I used in the best scenario.
3 really cool things happened (all of which happened for real):
- Germans were able to keep the crossing under continuous fire.
-The bridging unit constructed a bailey bridge under fire. Took 2 days.
-Supplies into the bridgehead were severely interdicted during the day but at night flowed freely.
Working on 17th SS now. Should have something for you to play Tim maybe as soon as tonight.
map cache:
Will add the scenario soon
i've got a list of some tweaks i am considering. As always I welcome your feedback.