German Bias in WWII Gaming
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The Kursk Gold: "Bleed them White" scenario inside the editor. |
"Too bad the scenarios are ahistoricaly pro-German."
I have seen comments like this before in forums about other games, but I can't recall ever seeing anyone say this about a John Tiller game (but according to the person who commented, this is a thing).
Let me first say: I know for a fact, that the JTS/WDS guys aren't "pro-German." They present the facts through their historical setups, detailed notes and with an engine that assigns combat values based on terrain type, range, unit status and supply.

But is there a bias built into the unit quality grading of the John Tiller scenarios?
There is a difference. The SS units in the scenario are "A" quality and the Russian Guards units are a "C" quality. But is this bias? I don't see it that way. Higher quality units are just better led soldiers but that doesn't make them any braver.
Let me step back for a moment and say something about my view of the Eastern Front and the Russian and German armies in general. I believe it to be true that early on in the war, German units were better than their Russian counterparts. They had more experienced leaders and troops. Their weapons were better and their doctrines were better, BUT as the war went on this began to change. Russian unit quality rose as German unit quality decreased. Russian commanders gained experience as better German commanders died off. As German losses piled up in the latter part of the war, Soviet confidence grew and all of the factors that go into "unit quality" were improving.

It is a worthwhile question though, because no wargaming company regardless of the period, wants to be known for exhibiting bias.
Back to "Unit Quality"
I don't see "quality" then as a measure of bravery, I see it as: leadership+training+tactics+weaponry+experience.
In 1943, SS units DID have the better equipment, training, tactical leadership, etc but it was waning. In fact, I would argue that it was battles like Kursk, Narva, etc that killed the "quality" off. Russian Guard units just weren't there yet in terms of "quality"but they were improving.
The "Guards" unit title didn't imply a better trained soldier in Russian terms. It was an honorific based on unit experience. It was a way for Stalin to bolster the confidence of soldiers and recognize the heroic sacrifices Russian soldiers were making to stop the Germans. After 42, it represented a different set of units, weapons, etc.
So to say there is a pro-German bias in John Tiller Games is incorrect. There is a unit quality difference, but the difference at this point in the war (1943) is justified.
The chief complaint of this person was that the German player always wins. I think German players win not because of bias/or a flawed analysis but because the information available to digital players that real-life commanders didn't possess makes all of the difference. We know so much more about units on both sides of the battlefield than your actual commanders did. We don't have any attachments to the men we order forward in battle. We sacrifice units in a historical ways, in order to achieve our digital objectives. When the game comes down to numbers and not emotions or feel, as digital wargames do, the numbers will almost always win, even when the real life result was different.
I have played against a Person in PC Budapest'45 (the whole operation). Because my oplent played that scennario many times and I have played for the first time within first 4-5 turns he crushed me knowing exacly where was my soft spot initially. And even in the middle of the game he knew what reinforcements are coming for me (and exactly when). So although I did well as a commander of Red Army he beaten the hell out of me. No magic. No German bias. He just knew the scenario and the engine of the game and used this knowledge against me.
Unfortunatelly there is no way of countering such situation unless there is a substantial amount of randomization. If he was handed different units instead of exactly the same each time. If the enemy units were different each time. And if the situation and reinforcements would be dynamically programmed then this knowledge "exploit" would be made redundant.
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