Command Ops: The Lion Route Available For Download

The 2nd South Staffordshires advance along the Lion Route into Arnhem.

My first stab at a scenario for Command Ops is available for download.  I am not done editing the scenario (I want to add in status updates for units and do some stuff with intelligence and the reinforcement schedule).  But I am eager for feedback while I playtest it again this evening.

You can download the Scenario file here (add it to your my scenario folder for the game).

You can download the cropped map here. (this goes in the maps folder and is titled Oosterbeek1).

I am including the cached file for the map here.  (I am not sure if you need this though).

If you have trouble loading this or if I have left out a file let me know.  The estabs are stock and weren't edited.

I think it is best to play from the British side.  I've run it three times as the Allies and really enjoyed it.  I am going to playtest the German side this week and upload any updates to the scenario for them here.

UPDATE:  I've updated the scenario file with some of my edits to the German OOB and reinforcement schedule.  I've also added German briefing notes.

There will be a second update soon with changes to victory point totals.  I didn't fully understand how to calculate these when I set the scenario up. I think I have a better grasp now (or at least I hope so).



Doug Miller said…
Grabbed! Looking forward to giving it a spin.
BletchleyGeek said…
Been following the process of development of this scenario all along. If you have any comments on what would you like to see improved or reworked in the map and scenario design tools, I'm sure Dave & co would love to hear about that.

Chris said…
Thanks Doug

Let me know if it starts up for you. I wasn't sure which files to include. I am making German updates tonight.
Chris said…
Miguel thank you for following the blog and this scenario's creation process! I have had a lot of fun. I want to finish this up and then think about any suggestions I might have. One suggestion that comes to mind is the ability to create flash alerts that are timed to appear. this scenario is a piece of a much larger battle. I thought a message feature like that could give people a better sense of what is happening around them. It could also be tied into the intelligence piece of this game. For instance, in the real battle, the attack towards to bridge to reinforce Frost was actually called off because a rumor swept through 3rd or 1st battalion (I can't remember which) that the bridge had fallen. Eventually the attack was resumed but precious hours were lost.

Any thoughts I have like that I will post here in a wrapup post before I start my next scenario (I already have one in mind!).
Doug Miller said…
Great scenario! I am taking an absolute drubbing!

Starts up just fine. I keep grabbing shots for an AAR, but I think I'm going to need a few attempts at this one before I have anything worth posting. Very enjoyable, but I'm just getting my head around the limited combat power I have versus the German armor. Poor Frost is in serious trouble with me in command.
Chris said…
Doug I am glad you are enjoying it. I played around with the German OOB and changed their reinforcement schedule yesterday. This evening I adjusted the victory condition totals for both sides. i will put the scenario file with these adjustments up tomorrow. Please send me any thoughts you have on fixes/recommendations, etc.. I am looking forward to the feedback.

I am also in the middle of playing as the Allies. Tonight was the first time(in 5 playthroughs) where I feared I might lose early. I am playing the allies and being pressed hard along the rail line north of Oosterbeek. i've been unable to even contemplate reinforcing Frost and have only managed to support him with 2 batteries of the Airlanding artillery regiment firing almost continuously on advancing armor over the bridge (Frost relied heavily on these guns in real life also). I am hopeful at the end of day 1 when the vast majority of my reinforcements arrive I am able to breakthrough to him or break him out. Not sure though. german AI behaviour much more aggressive than in previous run throughs.
Jozef Kundlak said…
Hi Chris,
is the scenario file available? Seems not...


Jozef Kundlak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chris said…
Hi Joe. It should be. I will check file when I get in front of my laptop. I posted something separately with the updated scenario file. I would check that post also.
Chris said…
Hi Joe. the scenario file you need is here:

map file is here:

map cache file is here:
Jozef Kundlak said…
Thx Chris!
You might want to add this link into the article (unless you are still working on the scenario?), as the text says "download here" but no link is present...
RangerX3X said…
I have played this several times this morning and have to say it is a very well made scenario that is quite challenging. It is rare to face a battle where a “Draw” is quite possibly the optimal realistic outcome and a certain level of satisfaction is achieved in gaining such a result.
Chris said…
Ranger thanks for the comment! The best I have done is also a draw. I spent a lot of time worrying about whether the scenario was too one-sided or not. The Germans outnumber the British significantly (as they did historically) but the quality of the Allies units, the compressed time limit and the reinforcement arrival locations favor the British in some respects. So it seems balanced and historically accurate to a degree. I am curious, how has Frost fared at the bridge when you play?
RangerX3X said…
From what I know I would say the scenario models what happened in real life so you did a great job in putting it all together. I would go as far as to say if it were possible to win this scenario, it would then be out of balance (in favor of the Brits). In my attempts Frost pretty much held his own at the bridge, never really being able to hold on, but not being destroyed completely, either.
Chris said…
That's what has happened with Frost each time for me also.

It's interesting that he lasts that long because historically he makes it into the night of the 20th and then they are overwhelmed and captured.

It makes me think this game is really good at evaluating forces and figuring out outcomes.

Unknown said…
Just got Command Ops and looking forward to trying your scenarios. Thanks!
At some point I might want to make some of my own.

Chris said…
Hi Jeff! Thanks for the comment! You should create some of your own scenarios. I'd be happy to help get you started just let me know.


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